Fleas In A House

Fleas in a house can be a huge problem.  In this post I’d like to explain a few of the most basic problems we have when controlling fleas. 1.  Inadequate Prep: You must do ALL the prep work BEFORE a flea treatment.  If the prep is inadequate or not done, the chances for achieving control are […]

Carpenter Ants In The Winter?

By now everyone knows that having carpenter ants is not a good thing, but most people think ants, especially carpenter ants, are only a spring/summer problem. Unfortunately, this is not the case. Plenty of unsuspecting homeowners have carpenter ant colonies residing within their homes year round. In fact, as a general rule our company always […]

Rodent Repellents

Liquid Rodent Repellants Work Recently, our company has started to use a liquid rodent repellant. To my surprise it seems to work! Now, lets be clear this product isn’t the do all end all, but we have seen a decrease in certain accounts where the product has been used. The active ingredients in the product […]