Rodent Repellents

Liquid Rodent Repellants Work Recently, our company has started to use a liquid rodent repellant. To my surprise it seems to work! Now, lets be clear this product isn’t the do all end all, but we have seen a decrease in certain accounts where the product has been used. The active ingredients in the product […]

Mouse exterminators in CT

  Needing a mouse exterminator in CT is not unusual.  With the onset of fall and colder evening temperatures mouse season begins and your home may be at risk of becoming a mouse hotel. Following these steps as well consulting with a pest management professional can lessen the amount of time these creatures live with […]

Rodent Deterrants

I am often asked if it is possible to exclude rodents from a home. The answer is sometimes, maybe and yes. The reason why rodent exclusion is difficult is not only that finding all the holes is problematic, but rodents also find entrances into homes by chewing their way into previously closed areas such as […]

Strange Noises in the Attic? It Could Be Bats, Mice or Squirrels!

On an almost daily basis our company fields calls about strange noises in the attic. Most if not all noises coming from the attic can be attributed to either rodents, bats or squirrels. Here’s how to tell the difference before you call a pro: Bats normally make a noise that sounds like flapping wings hitting a […]