How to get rid of yellow jackets

Knowing how to get rid of yellow jackets is a useful skill for the homeowner because the yellow jacket is very common and can provide a painful sting from a stinger located on its hind. If you know how to get rid of yellow jackets safely, it could be the difference between life and death […]

Ants in the kitchen and bathroom

Ants in the kitchen and bathroom, does that sound familiar? If it does be rest assured that you’re not alone.  During the months of April, May and June it’s the most common type of call we field.  The offending ant is typically a carpenter ant.  This may vary from state to state, but in the […]

Squirrel in your attic? Now what?

Squirrel in your attic? A grey squirrel is more than just annoying.  A common grey squirrel can destroy insulation, damage wood siding by gnawing their way into your home and last but not least cause fires.  It’s a well documented fact that fires in residences of unknown origin are many times blamed on squirrels and […]

Get rid of carpenter ants the right way

So, you want to get rid of carpenter ants!!  It’s really not that hard, once you find where the carpenter ant colony is located.  In previous posts I’ve gone over where to look for carpenter ants so we won’t be revisiting that.  My purpose for this post will be to explain what is actually done to […]

CT Exterminators

CT exterminators are unique in that we deal with all kinds of strange situations. Our weather is such that we have many different pests that can be challenging at different times of the year. The challenges that CT exterminators are faced with are typically because of the weather. However, there are times when the pests […]