Mouse Exterminator

A mouse exterminator for your home is a pretty common thing to need in the months from September to March.  The reason is that mice are desperate to take advantage of the warmer temperatures within your home. All living things need food, water and shelter.  In the absence of one of the three any living […]

Pest Control in CT

Pest control in CT is unlike exterminating services offered in other parts of the country.  The reason is that pest control in CT is somewhat seasonal in nature.  Let’s face it, if you live in CT and you have a pest problem more often than not the only time you’ll need an exterminator is in […]

Carpenter ant damage

Over the years I’ve found many carpenter ant colonies and seen a lot of carpenter ant damage.  Most people outside of the pest control industry confuse carpenter ant damage with termite damage, water damage and wood boring beetle damage.  However, the distinction between them all is easy to recognize if you know what you’re looking […]