CT termite inspection

So, you’re buying a home and now it’s time to get inspections in order. First, congratulations! Now, what kind of inspections should you have? Certainly at the top of the list is a good inspection for the following items: Heat Electric Structural Roof Water, radon and septic Next, you really need to think about a CT […]

Termite damage repair is a costly endeavor

Termite damage repair can be very costly, sometimes.  So, what are the real costs and where do they come from?  Read on. The real cost of termite damage repair The repair of termite damage is rarely in the cost of materials.  In fact, most termite damage repairs may only require $1000-$1500 in materials.  The real […]

Termite mud tube

So, you found a termite mud tube.  Now what? Finding a termite mud tube in your home is a sure sign that termites have been there.  The next logical questions should be; how did it get there? What type of termite created it? Are the termites still there?  Where else could the termites be and […]

Termite Damage vs. Water Damage

Termite damage vs water damage.  Do you know the difference or do you just think you know the difference? The pictures below came from Waterbury and Brookfield CT.  They both represent something completely different. Termite Damage vs Water Damage Termite damage has a very distinct look to it. The wood contains galleries that were created […]

Termites in your home

Termites in your home is never a good thing.  However, sometimes a termite problem is actually worse than it first appears.  The reason is that occasionally the area that the termites are coming from may be inaccessible.  If you have termites in your home and the area where the termites are coming from is not […]

Pest Control in CT

Pest control in CT is unlike exterminating services offered in other parts of the country.  The reason is that pest control in CT is somewhat seasonal in nature.  Let’s face it, if you live in CT and you have a pest problem more often than not the only time you’ll need an exterminator is in […]

Hidden termite damage

Hidden termite damage or even structural damage is a possibility whenever a home has a termite problem.  Termite damage especially hidden termite damage can go on for years undetected.  Homes with undetected hidden termite damage are at the greatest risk for structural problems caused by termites. Recently we were called to a home in Cheshire, […]

Termite Evidence

Termite evidence comes in many different forms.  However, the two most popular things people see prior to calling an exterminator are termite shelter tubes and swarming termites. The two may or may not be seen together. Termite Shelter Tubes, One Form Of Termite Evidence Termite shelter tubes or mud tubes are tubes made of mud […]